One Page Novels


Here's the irony Billy mused. Here we sit at this wonderful new health restaurant, festooned...


Reading out loud. My girlfriend Elizabeth, Has sun stroke and syphilis. And the hairs on...

Bali Juice

Bri, my handsome, new Irish husband. What is that devilish look for? "Oh, Hilly, my...

Flat Spot

She was going to try one more time. Something was still missing. Something important. Everything...

Bad Mirror

We were in the top floor bedroom. A local guy was helping install some floor...


He is that one. Where? The one in red, Miss Wilson they are all in...


This is a true story. My name is Sean James. Well, that's not true, but...


Yes I am so rich I have my own submarine and yes it has broken...

Political Theatrics

This is surreal. I'm about to get royally attacked on a stage in front of...

Grey Nurse

Row, row, Stubby the sweep, commanded. A nugget of a man. His nickname gives that...