
Dead Pair

Two twelve gauge shots. Two kills. Not pretty. One terminal gut shot and the other...


Digger?"Yes, Gazza." How long have we been doing this? Fifteen years? Every year after the...

Drone Wars

For the record, I am General Ray, the chair of this status briefing to the...

Spatial Features

It's Ok. Let's try again. How many times do I need to do this? Almost...


Uncle Vinny turned 90 and died. Empty tank. Just ran out of life, as many...

Baby’s Bottom

They come from everywhere. A black, buzzing cloud of what the local's call blowflies. Big,...


Reading out loud. My girlfriend Elizabeth, Has sun stroke and syphilis. And the hairs on...

What Up?

What up, Doug? I asked again. A shitload of starshe muttered. It had been really...


It started, I guess, like everything else. There was that time in your informative years...


Daddy? Yes, little one. Is my real Daddy coming to our Christmas party? No honey....