Ian Miller


David and Mary are alone on this vast planet. An advanced party. Not the first,...


Gravitas? Come Andrew. Why all the big words all the time. Who are you trying...

Trans Flyer

Wow! Hear we go up into the great blue yonder! Yippee, Kiyay! The two tower...


Here's the irony Billy mused. Here we sit at this wonderful new health restaurant, festooned...

Rocks in a Jar

Dr. Gupta, the esteemed Engineering Professor at the prestigious Bachman College, peeked over the large...


Things can change. There I was in love, happy and now, well not so much....

Dead Pair

Two twelve gauge shots. Two kills. Not pretty. One terminal gut shot and the other...

Jelly Bean Lady

Darlene. Sweet name. You know I don't think I actually knew your other name. John,...


There they go again Mrs. Stokes, the Dowager Custodian of the British Museum mutters to...

On Time

Honey? Rain. Rain. Buckets of it. Crowded in the limo. Eight of us squashed in....