Ian Miller

Political Theatrics

This is surreal. I'm about to get royally attacked on a stage in front of...

Grey Nurse

Row, row, Stubby the sweep, commanded. A nugget of a man. His nickname gives that...

What Up?

What up, Doug? I asked again. A shitload of starshe muttered. It had been really...


It started, I guess, like everything else. There was that time in your informative years...


Good news, her knife was razor sharp. Bad news, I am right handed. They knew...


Daddy? Yes, little one. Is my real Daddy coming to our Christmas party? No honey....


Vlad? Hank called out, we need you in the Room now if you can. What...

Ladies and …

I know I have many perplexing questions but my quandary is real and my time...

Lethal Labels

So we will talk about the streams of change. What is that? Well, you know...


You dress like a slut. Ryan, that's hurtful. Why do you talk to me like...